With the days getting shorter, it feels really hard to keep up with anything. In the last month plus, I've had two life birds and some lovely sights in between.
This is really just a photos dump. Enjoy!
Marine Park, October 28th... got in some birding before work |
I was rewarded that morning with two Eastern Bluebirds. |
Blue jays were busy caching acorns. |
Felt pretty lucky to enjoy these looks. |
A perfect Swamp sparrow. |
A perfect white-throated sparrow. |
Later that day, I tried my luck for a lifebird after work. And it worked! A tropical Kingbird, in Breezy Point, Queens NY. |
This bird lives in Central and South America, but can live in the US.... just, you know.... the most southern parts. |
Some Floyd Bennet Field time on 11/12 gave me a really nice look at an Eastern Bluebird who was successfully hunting crickets. |
Just skipping around here... went to Green-Wood Cemetery on 11/5 and saw some American Goldfinch using this fallen headstone base as a water source. I loved their little synchronized drinks. |
Will always stop for a good Kestrel. |
Cooper's Hawk |
The Green-Wood Locals. |
Jump for joy: Lifer, Townsend's Warbler! |
Enjoyed this bird in Fort Greene Park with its small adoring crowd. |
This is a bird that is found west of the Rockies. Breeding in Western Canada and Southern Alaska, they winter on the west coast. This one made a wrong turn somewhere. |
There always seems to be one or two who show up in the area each fall. |
After, I went to Green-Wood and was graced with an Orange-crowned warbler. A bird that was nice to add on for the 2022 year.
You can almost even see some orange on its noggin there. |
FOXY. Such a great, chonky, and gorgeous sparrow. |
Okay. All caught up!
Find your local CBC and join the counting next month!