Saturday, April 15, 2023

A Month of Sights

    As spring kicks in, daylight overflows my cup and it is hard to keep up with this thing. I get the time to look at birds, but then it's also an ideal time to dig in the garden, look for worms, and ride our bikes. I love that my daughter likes to go outside so keeping up with this has been put on the back burner, so here's a whole helping of a month...
Very excited that I got the chance to see some (alive) woodcocks. When one of my friends alerted a bunch of us that it was a good woodcock day, I immediately jumped out the door.

Enjoyed the sight of this one from my car. Cars oddly are really decent bird blinds.

Probably my last look at a fox sparrow until next winter.
This one was extra foxy, getting a wind swept Marilyn Monroe look.

A second woodcock settled behind a fallen headstone.

A third woodcock under a tangle of fallen twigs.

A Brown creeper using its beak as a lever, to open up and lift bark to peer underneath it.

This robin was doing something very cool, like it was whispering its song, repetitively to itself. And while there is a "whisper song" behavior, this seemed to be it. And being that it performed this behavior means it's probably a pretty hormone-ridden male bird.
Happy spring!

And look who else is back!

I'll be back on my plover shit again this season!
While out on a beach rove I got to see this pair work on some scrapes together, it was lovely! 

A scrape is a depression n the ground where a piping plover will then lay its eggs. So it's their nest.

The male is standing ove the feamle while she tries out this location.

This guy is really into her, she keeps it a little more cool.

She is a lovely thing, looks exhausted and the crazy summer hasn't even started yet. I empathize.

Love seeing them stretch and spread those feathers apart.

My daughter came out with me for one beach rove and we got to see this guy-- Clark Kent! Most famous is he!

I got some time out today and headed to Shirley Chisholm State Park. This killdeer was trying to make his move, but his potential mate didn't let him get it that easily.

He'll have to figure out his next move, maybe not make his move so fast.
Was delighted to see a muskrat eating away at the marsh vegetation. Almost looks like it's smiling! I love how high set their eyes are on their head, to help them when they swim alligator style at the waters surface.

Spring signs, buds on trees, extra red breasted American Robin, and mud on their bill.

Best part of today, this little gang of glossy ibis!

Shirley Chisholm State Park is my favorite place to see them, because unlike Jamaica Bay, they tend to be quite close. And on a wet summer, they cover the Fountain Avenue mound.

Got in a nice little bath!

When you see that gloss tho... 👀

LOVE having them back!
This is a good one to end on. Happy birding, hope it won't be another month till my next!

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