After a 3 mile run yesterday (my first run in probably close to a year), my legs were pretty sore, so I opted for a walk today in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Just standing still would cause you to melt into a puddle of perspiration, the day is muggy and grey, just holding back on the rain. I figured it would be good to get out now or never, since I was seeing alerts for flash flood warnings later on. The day gave me a lot of freshly and not so freshly fledged birds, some lovely little families, and some nice insects; I was happy to see many butterflies and my first 3 honey bees- most bees I have seen are bumble bees, but I saw just a few honey bees among the bumbles today and that was a welcome sight.
a fledged green heron still boasts some downy fuzz... |
Perfecting his fish snagging skills with the help of a stick on the lullwater. |
A proud mallard mama and her clan. |
Group preening session. If mom moved, then the chicks moved, and usually did whatever mom was doing. |
Ducklings never get old... |
The mute swan family swims down to the lullwater, through the forests of lilies. |
A gorgeous black swallowtail basks in the few rays of sun that poked through the clouds. |
A freshly fledged robin is all leg... Love the little tail nub! |
An adult green heron on the upper pool. |
There were many pollinators around this plant, but this Eastern tiger swallowtail was a lovely sight. |
Egret? Flying? I have to, every single time, I don't get tired ever of egrets in flight... |
"Oh hey, Turtle! Is it cool if we share?" (the turtle quickly dove in, was clearly not willing to share) |
Love this, the swans from earlier made it to the boathouse and were up on land. Then they were led into the water with such synchronicity. |
A honey bee lapping up the good stuff using that tongue-like proboscis. |
If you know me well, you know I RUN from bees, wasps, hornets- like its my job. I appreciate them, but I will have my space and they can have theirs..... I am using my 300mm lens, fully extended for these shots, because I am a big baby... and I don't want to tick off any bees. |
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