Friday, July 11, 2014

Ramble On...

     After a visit to my old home, at the Central Park Zoo, I needed to waste some time before dinner with my husband at Grand Central Oyster Bar (I had never been!). I decided walking around the park would be nice, and I brought with me camera and birded amongst the hordes of tourists. The ramble is one of those places that back in the day one should never wonder around alone in. But now, it is bustling with other birders, tourists, and if you stay along the shore, you may, like I did, surprise a couple of romantic tourists in a rented row boat who are trying to row under a low hanging branch for some privacy... only to fail and get smacked in the face by twigs and be surprised to see a person standing on shore -- I suppose the ramble makes for good human watching too!
     During migration this area can be filled with a variety of birds, I did not see too many aside from the usual. I did see and hear a red tail circling over the lake - although sometimes it was hard to tell if I was hearing a whining red tail, calling for its parents, or the squeaks of the oars on row boats...

Central Park is where the invasive European Starling's American takeover began- introduced here in the late 1800's. This one appears to have duct tape on its leg... I can't even imagine why. I have seen people (I could only imagine it's people) have drawn on pigeons and colored them in with markers, I don't know or understand why... hopefully the tape isn't caging him pain.
A juvenile blue jay (I think...) with a funny looking head.

A tired fledgling American robin.

It was all about napping, it seemed.

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