Today I explored with one of my fantastic birding coworkers the Brooklyn Army Terminal Pier, which is a pier that extends out into the New York Harbor from 58th Street. It was our hope to see a glaucous gull seen there yesterday.
Upon walking out to the pier, in my head, all I did was sing Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" but replaced girls with gulls. The place was littered with gulls, mainly ring-billed, a few herring gulls, and no glaucous.
But gulls are really fun to photograph because they are not shy, they are very charismatic, and exhibit all kinds of behaviors that are super fun to capture. As long as you aren't afraid of an Alfred Hitchcock "Birds" scenario, with gulls hovering closely with zero care to your proximity, they are super fun to be around. Especially when other folks show up with an entire pizza pie on the pier, thinking they are about to enjoy a pizza while serenely watching the skyline across the water...
NYSeaGull. A ring-billed gull with a hell of a view. |
I can't pass up a moment to amuse myself with anthropomorphizing this very H&M-esque pose by this ring-billed gull who in reality just landed and is folding up its wing. |
A rowdy, juvenile ring-billed vocalizes as it lands, closer to the pizza prize. |
A first summer bird, adults will have yellow eyes... compare to the flying gull above and below. |
An adult with yellow eyes, the red skin around the eyes will be bright and pronounced as they transition their winter plumage for breeding. |
Hovering over the pizza eaters with a the once bustling industrial parts of Brooklyn behind them. |
While we didn't get to see the gull we came for, it was fun to explore a new place and photo some characters on the pier. All in all a great trip! |
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