The days are getting shorter and colder, birds at the same time are coming in and going out. Shorts have been officially put away and before I know it, outings will be done in snow pants and thermals. That thought makes me shudder, I hate the cold.
Also this week, the Mets have begun their games in the World Series for the first time in 15 years. I recall in 2000, 15 year old me was pretty stoked, the same exact way I feel now- and of course, always at the same time nervous, like any good, long-time fan would feel. The last time before 2000 the Mets were in the World Series, I was just over a year old, and I don't remember, well anything. Keith Hernandez is usually part of the Mets broadcast team and I'd like to think, now that he is off till next year, before settling in to watch the series, he too is out looking at birds, as he often talks about hawks or birds that he has seen at his feeder during games-- because that is how Keith rolls.
Anyway, on Monday I had some time to go out after work to Dead Horse Point and the Salt Marsh in Marine Park to enjoy the feathers and foliage. The world was bright with so much color! Enjoy the sights:
A couple of lingering lepidoptera in the area - saw a few clouded sulphurs feeding on any flowers around the entry to Floyd Bennett Field (across the street from the trails to Dead Horse Bay). |
Poison ivy might suck, but it sure is beautiful in the fall! |
Look but don't touch! those 3 leaflets are not fun for those who have sensitivity to poison ivy- also all parts of the plant are no good for touching, leaves, fruits, and vines. |
Not poison Ivy, Virginia Creeper is gorgeous in its autumn red! |
Some very vivid sumac against a perfect blue sky. |
"I don't think she can see me..." |
Some cute little swamp sparrows feeding in the salt marsh, gave me a quick moment to capture them in a photo. What handsome little things they are! |
A greater yellowlegs in the late afternoon sun, among the Brant geese that are moving in for the winter in large numbers. I look forward to some new creatures coming in for the winter, but man, am I going to miss summer and all that comes with it, especially shorts and warm... and baseball. |
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