Monday, May 2, 2016

Double Dip

 – 1) v. To travel to attempt to see a previously reported rare bird and fail to see it.

     Such is birding, and the beauty of looking for wild animals. Sometimes you get it and other times not. Today was a double dip day, I tried again for the Grasshopper Sparrow before work and tried for a cerulean warbler after work, got neither. And honestly I'm not super upset, despite my double dip.
     That is the wild life for you, without barrier, the animals go about where they please. There is an excitement in the hunt, and for me, the pleasure of being outside. I always find something great in my explorations outdoors and even with not seeing two birds, I managed to add 2 birds to my 30th year list, and see some great behaviors and spend some time with my coworker, in which I learned bike beats car from Coney Island to Prospect Park, sorry Molly!
Anyway, enjoy:
In my bike ride to work today, I made a pitstop at 6 diamonds. I did not see grasshopper sparrows, but stumbled upon a pair of killdeer. 
One of the two birds to add to my 30th year list, a white-eyed vireo. He was singing on top of lookout hill with his super cool song. 
He was close but between leaves and branches.
My other bird for my list was a wild turkey, walking around on Staten Island as I traveled there for work today, he just was walking on the sidewalk along the street.

I also loved watching this house wren, pictured here, in his/her house. Actively singing and hopping around from branch to branch along the Lullwater.
How cute is he?! So in the end, I'm not disappointed. If I'm only 30 now, I think I have plenty of other chances to (hopefully) see the birds I missed.

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